HPE renew Program
What is HPE Renew?
HPE sets very stringent quality standards for all products to ensure they meet customer’s high-quality expectations. With a proven track record of achieving strict targets, the HPE Renew Program re-manufacturing process ensures that all re-manufactured products are certified to be as good as new.
What are the benefits?
HPE Certified
Full HPE Warranty
New Serial Number
The warranty period for an HPE Renew product is the same as for a new product unless otherwise stated. The warranty of the HPE Renew product starts with the date of purchase and refreshes the original warranty. HPE Renew product warranty is identical to new product warranty. HPE Renew products are covered by the original service and support, and additional options are also available.
Learn more about HPE Renew HERE

The HPE Renew program is a worldwide program that started in 1981